This section includes indicators that reflect the importance of the common bean crop compare to the cropland and the pulses harvested area for 67 countries and four regions (Tropical, Latin American and The Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South, South-East Asia, and Pacific).

These are the available indicators:

  1. Crop position according to the harvested area: Indicates the ordinal position for the common bean compare to the harvested area of others crops.
  2. Common bean area compared to cropland: Reflects common bean harvested area proportion over the total cropland area.
  3. Common area compared to pulses area: Reflects common bean harvested area proportion over the pulses area.

Note: Regional level reported data corresponds to the aggregation of countries with available information.



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Image generated by Common Bean Observatory

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Image generated by Common Bean Observatory

Please, select a country. Production Value here.

Most important crop in relation to the production value for the year

Image generated by Common Bean Observatory

In harvested beans accounted
of harvested crop area
of harvested pulses area

Data provided by FAO (2021)


Image generated by Common Bean Observatory

Please, select a country. Production Value here.

Most important crop in relation to the production value for the year

Data provided by FAO (2021)


Data provided by FAO (2021)


Image generated by Common Bean Observatory

Please, select a country. producer_prices.

Most important crop in relation to the producer_prices value for the year

Data provided by FAO (2021)
